Ferroalloy Furnace

SISEM is among international leaders in design, construction, installation and startup of plants, machines and components of furnaces for the production of ferroalloys, cast iron and non iron metals.

Progettazione forni per ferroleghe


SISEM, in function of the client's needs, with its engineering capabilities, is able to design and produce furnaces for ferroalloy production of up to 24 MVA of power.

Realizzazione forni per ferroleghe


With its 20 years of experience SISEM is able to design, produce and finalize all components and accessories for a complete plant within its headquarters and workshop in Niardo (BS). In full respect of international regulations, all our products are subject to very strict checks through all phases of production.

Montaggio forni per ferroleghe


SISEM offers a structure of professional technicians for the assembly of machinery in Italy and abroad. During assembly of our machineries, we offer close collaboration to the client, in order to make the following phases of maintenance more simple.

Collaudo forni per ferroleghe


SISEM, in order to complete its full range of services 'keys in hand' offers its assistance in the startup of the plant and is able to form personnel within the client premises, guaranteeing the continued availability to check the installed constructive systems.

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